
Sunday, February 26, 2017


Meet the beings from Zeta Reticuli I in the Constellation Reticulum. Contact has been made. Many interviews have been held with themTHESE EXCHANGES ARE NON-FICTION. Exchanges occur between Hypnotherapist Mary Barr and Zetas (Han, Zestra, and Gen) by using a deeply-induced client, Steve Reichmuth, as the telepathic conduit. Full transcripts of these many sessions are recorded verbatim in two books: Aliens Answer  and Aliens Answer II.

Welcome experiencers.  This blog is for people who are already well-versed in the alien contact genre. The books, Aliens Answer and Aliens Answer II, are non-fiction chronicles of telepathic contact between my client and co-author Steve Reichmuth and sentient beings from Zeta Reticuli. These are very serious and educating communications that present many questions and answers beyond current human knowledge. As the therapist and co-author, I offer weekly excerpts from these science oriented chronicles for public education. Visit our webpage at Some aliens are willing to communicate telepathically, and the human mindset can be enhanced under hypnosis. Deep meditative states are also conducive to this kind of communication.  

Today's blog gives the Zeta perspective of mankind's evolution, including his missing link. The Zetas provided knowledge about the whales and dolphins having an intellectual capacity close to humans, the function of the Nasca lines, and the technological gifts shared with humans that enabled an advanced Atlantean culture to thrive for a while. Their downfall was the inability to preserve knowledge in a permanent way. (It is likely that there have been a number of Atlantean-like cultures.)

Therapist:  What is the missing link for humans? One theory is that we descended from a combination of the Neanderthal man and Homo sapiens. Have we had more than one branch of humanity, and, if not, do you know what species is the missing link?

Zetas:  The evolution of man is a varied one. However, it is not as complex as man makes it to be. There are many idiosyncrasies in the evolution of Homo sapiens. We have often nurtured, guided, and influenced to mold a species that is more receptive to eventually make contact with us and with others in the Universe. This takes time. Many links exist. It is just that all the links in the chain have not yet been discovered by you, but in time, perhaps they will.

Therapist:  How many branches gave rise to the human species?

Zetas:  The best we can tell is that there were six branches. Some were not successful. Others endured longer and two or three have merged into one main species forming the current Homo sapiens that we know today.

Therapist:  How would you compare the intelligence of dolphins, whales, and rats to human beings, with intelligence defined as the capacity to learn?

Zetas:  Whales and dolphins have larger brains and therefore the capacity for growth. They have an intellectual capacity near that of human beings. They lack the ability to create technology because they have not adapted to move upon the land where they can create fire and change the minerals of the natural world into alloys to create technology. Technology is not important to intellect, but it is a useful tool for expressing intellect as man has done. The rat has very instinctual primitive impulses in how it survives. Whales and dolphins are  beyond  that  in  being  creative  and  in  adapting  to their environment. They are more at one with their environment. Our species, the way we react, and our quick thinking, are more similar to your species of birds. We are sharp-witted and react quickly, but our intellect has a much greater capacity than your birds. However, the reactions of birds are very similar to our species in the thought processes that exist. Whales and dolphins are similar to man in potential for thought capacity, but they lack the ability to leave the ocean to move into an environment where there is air and oxygen in which to create fire. From fire they could create further conditions of benefit to them.

Therapist:  Are you familiar with the Nazca lines? If so, what is their source and purpose?

Zetas:  Yes. It is an expression of connection with the sky and those beings who have come from the sky to visit. It is like a welcome mat for home. It is an expression by your species of gratitude and appreciation and welcome in the hope that further contact will be made.  It is a physical expression of a desire within man’s heart to make contact with all that is above him in the sky.

Therapist:  Did humans make these after becoming aware of beings in the sky? Was it expressing a desire to have them return?

Zetas:  Yes. It is an expression of welcome in the hope they will return. We do return, but sometimes in other forms. Each return is appropriate to the era of man’s development. The form and means of contact has now changed to a more sophisticated and perhaps on a more individual level with your species.

Therapist:  Was the story of Atlantis real? If so, where is it?  What caused its demise?

Zetas:  There is an area off of what was once near Ireland in the ocean. That island has since sunk below the ocean. It was isolated  from  the  nearby  cultures  where  we  could  educate humans with more advanced ideas and abilities than the other areas of your planet. This culture enjoyed many of the benefits of our knowledge and technologies. This was a test to see what you could do with this new technology, if used for good purposes, which it was. It gave us encouragement to use this as a basis for sharing other technology in the future. The demise of this large island was due to the geology of your planet. Eventually the humans migrated off that island into Europe and the Mediterranean. They had to do this in order to survive. This knowledge was dispersed among the cultures in the area. Over time, much of this knowledge was lost due to the poor means available to preserve such knowledge.

Much of what was to be passed on from generation to generation was eventually lost because of the subjectivity of the human mind. It was not passed on efficiently. Also, many cultures on Earth destroyed this knowledge. Some of it was lost due to mishandling or carelessness in preserving this knowledge. It is just part of the human condition. This is so. We needed to create a way for them to preserve this knowledge in an intact way. However, it would have been inappropriate to give them the technology to do this. It would be like giving a computer to primitive form of your society in order to hold this knowledge. Many ancient libraries were lost due to fire, such as in Alexandria.  In other cultures, a more dogmatic culture prevailed. All this needs to be restored.

Therapist:  Did any of this knowledge wind up in what we call the Mystery Schools?

Zetas:  Certain isolated pockets in Europe held onto knowledge, but it was quickly distorted by outsiders and misinterpreted as something evil or not beneficial. It was due to certain biases in belief that this knowledge waned and was lost over time. In purges of new political and social mores, it was – the knowledge, in a sense, was scattered to the wind. Man did not possess the ability to preserve this knowledge, particularly in an unbiased way. However,  the test  was successful for a brief time. It was a temporary condition on Atlantis, so an island country did exist.

Therapist:  How many times has mankind risen and fallen in terms of advanced technology?

Zetas:  Man, in isolated pockets around the world, has advanced greatly, and like water, this advancement ebbs and flows with the times. In the Middle East there was great advancement in mathematics and societies. Then, in time, this was lost due to selfishness and wars as other societies dominated them with less knowledge. Usually, they incorporated the knowledge of the conquering societies. This has been an ongoing condition within the limited viewpoints and the geographical inability to travel over great distances. Isolated pockets of knowledge come and go. This is less so now. You now have the ability to communicate across greater distances within your species. You have also learned to preserve it. Due to this, no one particular idea will dominate.

Mary Barr, B.A., CCHT, CBT, CLC
Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist

Your questions are welcome.

Sunday, February 19, 2017


Meet the beings from Zeta Reticuli I in the Constellation Reticulum. Contact has been made. Many interviews have been held with themTHESE EXCHANGES ARE NON-FICTION. Exchanges occur between Hypnotherapist Mary Barr and Zetas (Han, Zestra, and Gen) by using a deeply-induced client, Steve Reichmuth, as the telepathic conduit. Full transcripts of these many sessions are recorded verbatim in two books: Aliens Answer  and Aliens Answer II.

Welcome experiencers.  This blog is for people who are already well-versed in the alien contact genre. The books, Aliens Answer and Aliens Answer II, are non-fiction chronicles of telepathic contact between my client and co-author Steve Reichmuth and sentient beings from Zeta Reticuli. These are very serious and educating communications that present many questions and answers beyond current human knowledge. As the therapist and co-author, I offer weekly excerpts from these science-oriented chronicles for public education. Visit our webpage at Some aliens are willing to communicate telepathically, and the human mindset can be enhanced under hypnosis. Deep meditative states are also conducive to this kind of communication.  

In today's blog, the Zetas explain that our Universe came from another preexisting universe. Han describes dark matter as a "gelatinous" mass holding together more conspicuous aspects of matter. Included in this description are the effects of gravity on a cosmic scale. Han also addresses the reason for our "junk" DNA and the societal effects of our incoherent emotional states. He adds that there is a comet approaching Earth, but will miss us.

Session IV (Cont'd)
Therapist:  I have a question about dark matter. We (humans) have been using a dedicated telescope to try to map a general picture of the Universe and the map that we have come up with looks rather like a neural network with long interconnecting filaments between solar systems and galaxies. It is the current belief that dark matter is what allows this to happen -- that it provides a kind of base for attracting stars, galaxies, and larger systems. The overall picture seems to be one of interconnection. Would you comment on that?

Zetas:  There are many nurseries for stars where many stars are created in the same nebulous clouds. These naturally form together as the masses in these nebulous (clouds) contract, become denser, and then create nuclear fusion to ignite as stars. These nurseries naturally form in clusters as the Universe, itself, through dark matter, continues to expand and accelerate, spreading outward, like an explosion. Where the dust and the matter of space condense, it changes in mid-explosion. If one could imagine in the analogy of an explosion in several seconds compared with the expansion of the Universe in billions of years, stars are born, change, evolve, die, and create more matter. This, in turn, produces the matter from which all building blocks of the Universe exist, including the building blocks of life.

The positions of these stars are naturally created from broad areas of nebulous clouds. That is often the explanation for the accumulation of stars. There are areas of space that are rather devoid of stars. This is rare, and, in time, this will permeate everywhere. This mass comes from the original focus point where the dark matter entered from the other universe and gave birth to this Universe. It is a natural process. The Universe  in this dimension will seem to  be  infinite,  but  it  is still expanding, and what is beyond is still unknown, even to us.

Therapist:  Is there some kind of a connection within a solar system or galaxy, some kind of energy connection of what we might term ‘lay lines’ for instance, between our planets, other than the connection of gravity?

Zetas:  There is the gravity that connects the stars and the planets and ultimately the galaxies. There is also a connection of dark matter that is less conspicuous in binding and connecting together. It is like a form of gelatin or gelatin-like material around a galaxy and the dark matter is this gelatin. It holds in place the more conspicuous parts of matter, binding and holding it together and moving together. Everything is moving. This dark matter holds the parts of the Universe we see together in a loose fluid, much like a cloud, an invisible cloud that pulls the galaxy together. At the other end, in the center of the galaxy, is often a black hole that acts as an anchor around which all other objects orbit. This creates a suspension matter or dark matter around the circumference of the galaxy. The dark center creates the vehicle for which gravity and matter can move in a uniform pattern.

Therapist:  Thank you. I heard a comment on the radio that there is either a comet or an asteroid headed toward Earth and behind it is a planet that may have been caught up in our original orbit. Do you know something about a rather long-term journey of a planet that is actually coming in behind one of these objects that may affect life as we know it on Earth?

Zetas:  No. There is a comet approaching within 90 million miles. It will pass harmlessly, though close. It is not a concern for us or for this Earth planet.

Session ended.

Session V
Therapist:  Steve was inducted, given some therapy and then the being known as Han was invited to step forward. After several adjustments, Han identified himself by saying,

Han, the Zeta:  I am ready.

Steve: He is alone this time. I feel a smile from him, not a physical one, but a thought, expressing a smile and his readiness. I feel a shudder through my body as if I am being released. I didn’t anticipate that.

Therapist:  Are we human beings a kind of genetic alphabet soup with lots of junk DNA?

Zetas:  Do you have junk DNA? If that is so, then we also have junk DNA for we are not genetically dissimilar from each other in many ways. Part of the amalgamation of evolution and adaptation is a normal process. Any junk DNA is the foundation on which we have achieved this point in time where we are genetically at this moment. Certain key genes often get  more attention than others do as evolution develops, as we continue to strive forward. It is the same for both your species and ours. This is a natural process. No gene is debased. It is just not being utilized at the moment. Just like the genes for hands are active, other parts remain passive for the moment, while other parts develop.   Does  that  answer  your question?

Therapist:  Yes. I had thought perhaps that such a variety of unused DNA also provides potential for quick adaptations in the event of an environmental change.

Zetas:  Just as your species often stores body fat as a survival function, so does a surplus of DNA exist for adaptation as needed. You may view them as spare parts for adjusting to future conditions. In a way, no DNA is wasted or is junk. It is just in reserve, as building blocks stored away if needed at the appropriate time for the evolutionary process. It makes a species successful, along with its intellect, to adapt to new conditions. The intellect is fleeting, but evolution is a broader process that stands over a greater length of space and time in which it manifests itself. You are a vulnerable species, prone to external influences and adaptations. That is partially why we are here to protect you from outside influences that may have other plans that are more selfish and not helpful to your species.

Your emotional state is more pronounced than in our species. In a way, it should be better controlled within yourselves. At the same time, you have a positive side to your emotions. You have that emotional drive and passion for exploration, which we lack. We do share curiosity, however. The negative emotions can prevail, too, and it creates turmoil between the positive and the negative. This windstorm of emotions within you can sometimes create either a coherence or incoherence in your society in how you approach problems and take care of your emotional well-being. This creates confusion. We are so often in  contact with you. Often,  you  are  not  as  calm  when we  are  trying  to communicate with you. Your  species  needs to calm down, relax, and clear your minds to be more receptive to our communication. This will take time. We are patient.

Mary Barr, B.A., CCHT, CBT, CLC
Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist

Your questions are invited.

Sunday, February 12, 2017


Meet the beings from Zeta Reticuli I in the Constellation Reticulum. Contact has been made. Many interviews have been held with themTHESE EXCHANGES ARE NON-FICTION. Exchanges occur between Hypnotherapist Mary Barr and Zetas (Han, Zestra, and Gen) by using a deeply-induced client, Steve Reichmuth, as the telepathic conduit. Full transcripts of these many sessions are recorded verbatim in two books: Aliens Answer  and Aliens Answer II.

Welcome experiencers.  This blog is for people who are already well-versed in the alien contact genre. The books, Aliens Answer and Aliens Answer II, are non-fiction chronicles of telepathic contact between my client and co-author Steve Reichmuth and sentient beings from Zeta Reticuli. These are very serious and educating communications that present many questions and answers beyond current human knowledge. As the therapist and co-author, I offer weekly excerpts from these science oriented chronicles for public education. Visit our webpage at Some aliens are willing to communicate telepathically, and the human mindset can be enhanced under hypnosis. Deep meditative states are also conducive to this kind of communication.  

Today's session introduces a second being whom Han calls Gen, a student and participant, who sits in on various communications with many species. Also discussed are the particles of dark matter that pervade the Universe. Gamma ray bursts, alternate dimensions, and expansion of the Universe are also covered.

Session Six
August 20, 2011

Client was in placed in a deep trance. The being known as ‘Han’ was requested to step forward. An invitation was extended to Han to bring someone else with him.

Steve perceived two beings coming forward with one holding to the background.

Steve: There are two! I recognize Han’s shape. There is another one, in the background, standing to the side and behind him. He is similar looking.

Therapist:  I will address the questions to the being known as Han. When you are ready, please let us know. Take your time.

(Double beeping sound.)

Han, the Zeta:  I’m ready.

Therapist:  Thank you. Thank you for bringing someone else with you.

Steve: The other one, he is the same, but also different. He is like Han in appearance, but different. I am told to 'stand by.' They have soft features, both of them. There is a kind of dark silhouette against an amber background. Han is sitting there, waiting patiently, waiting for his time to talk. He is ready for the questions.

Therapist:  Han, does a burst of gamma rays indicate photons coming from a fourth dimension?
Han:  Repeat the question.

Therapist:  Yes. Does a burst of gamma rays indicate photons coming from a fourth dimension?

Han:  The gamma rays come from a pulsar and travel through space. There will be gamma ray bursts. A gamma ray burst does travel across time, if that is what you mean by a fourth dimension. It radiates out in a burst, randomly. The gamma ray bursts are dangerous. They need to be avoided. They do indicate a distortion in time and create a bend in space that occurs naturally. These are effects of a gamma ray burst on a sun that is in a different time in life (different life stage) than the natural span of this star, which Earth people call Sol.

Therapist:  Thank you. Are there an infinite number of dimensions?

Han:  There are more than we possibly realize, but infinite is an ambiguous term. It might be true, but there are more than humans realize, and there may be more than even we realize.

Therapist:  With how many dimensions does your species interact?

Steve: My mind from Han says ‘26 dimensions at present.’ It is astonishing!

Therapist:  The next question has to do with the beginning of our Universe. Did some particles move into the fourth dimension during the beginning of our Universe?

Han:  These particles are dark matter that permeated the membrane between Universes. These are the particles to which you refer. Yes. The particles can permeate universes and provide us with the means to travel across the vast distances. We can step across one universe for a shortcut that provides us a brief distance in which to travel wherever we wish to go. When we step back into the former universe, the dark matter helps provide the river in which we flow between universes to make this possible, to use a simple analogy.

Therapist:  Thank you. How might we human beings detect the fourth dimension?

Han:  The fourth dimension is around us. My mind sees a parallax view where a simple observation could make this possible, but it is difficult to discern how this is possible. However, scientists can learn by using two vantage points in parallax view to see a simple shift in matter across space where, for example, a pulsar might find a type of shift that could allow the fourth dimension to be evident in its existence.

Therapist:  Thank you. Concerning dark energy, two questions:

1)      What is its chemical composition?
2)      Does it push the material world apart?

Han:  It co-exists in the existing material world. It actually makes up the majority of the material world, the material universe. It is not evident unless one looks across the vastness of space where most of it can be seen in quantity. It provides the balance of what composes the Universe. The existence of dark energy requires more advanced concepts regarding energy, mass, and gravity and how they are brought into harmony. This ‘bringing together’ creates the complete perspective of the composition of the Universe. It is what Earth scientists wish to find in a unified theory that will make everything understandable. However, this understanding will only be the beginning of further understanding. Once this unified theory is understood, it will provide a doorway for many things, as it did for us, millions of years ago, to facilitate uses of energy on a planetary scale and to provide the means of transportation between stars.

Therapist:  There is a current theory that dark energy is what is causing the Universe to kind of spread out. Is that an accurate view?

Han:  The Universe is expanding from its beginning source. It accelerates the expansion of all that exists in this Universe. The existence of dark matter is what makes this expansion and acceleration possible. It is what puzzles scientists on Earth, the condition where there is no entropy, but just acceleration of matter as it expands outward.

Therapist:  If I understand, are you saying the characteristic of expansion is such that, over time and space, it increases its velocity?

Han:  Yes, it does.

(Look for the continuation of this session next week.)

Mary Barr, B.A., CCHT, CBT, CLC
Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist

Your questions are welcome.

Sunday, February 5, 2017


Meet the beings from Zeta Reticuli I in the Constellation Reticulum. Contact has been made. Many interviews have been held with themTHESE EXCHANGES ARE NON-FICTION. Exchanges occur between Hypnotherapist Mary Barr and Zetas (Han, Zestra, and Gen) by using a deeply-induced client, Steve Reichmuth, as the telepathic conduit. Full transcripts of these many sessions are recorded verbatim in two books: Aliens Answer  and Aliens Answer II.

Welcome experiencers.  This blog is for people who are already well-versed in the alien contact genre. The books, Aliens Answer and Aliens Answer II, are non-fiction chronicles of telepathic contact between my client and co-author Steve Reichmuth and sentient beings from Zeta Reticuli. These are very serious and educating communications that present many questions and answers beyond current human knowledge. As the therapist and co-author, I offer weekly excerpts from these science oriented chronicles for public education. Visit our webpage at Some aliens are willing to communicate telepathically, and the human mindset can be enhanced under hypnosis. Deep meditative states are also conducive to this kind of communication.  

Today's blog continues to address a way to diminish the effects of abduction. The creation of a hybrid species is acknowledged. The alien autopsy in New Mexico is clarified, and the Zetas recognize the trauma caused by unethical species and work to ameliorate the effects.

Therapist:  Han, the Zeta,  talks about the idea of "control" in alien abductions, offering ways for abductees to prevail, with their self-worth intact.

Zetas:  Control is an illusion. The experience can be accepted, but, in the end, it is their sense of self-worth that will help them prevail.

Therapist:  Would it be helpful to point out to these people that they are truly spiritual beings and that aspect of them cannot be harmed?

Zetas:  The spiritual part is on a plane that has a strength of its own that will see one through these difficult times. It is what connects to a higher being that makes such invulnerability possible.

Therapist:  Are these particular entities who are abducting humans actually creating a hybrid species?

Zetas:  Yes. Not always successfully. Their hybrids require higher maintenance and they do not always sustain themselves. They have to continually renew certain biological functions to make this happen. They are not autonomous, yet. They are trying to evolve to adapt to be more compatible in this place.

Therapist:  This place being Earth?

Zetas:  Yes.

Therapist:  Where are they kept while waiting to adapt? Are they kept off-planet?

Zetas:  Yes. Some are left for periods of time to help them socially adapt, but only for a limited period of time. The process is still ongoing, and it is difficult for them to be successful. We are also involved in seeing that, to some extent, they are not successful. We are interceding and trying to prevent further adaptation.

Therapist:  These hybrids are not able to procreate?

Zetas:  No. Not the same way. They must be produced and manufactured and the process is complex and not efficient.

Therapist:  I would think it would be difficult to have the resources on hand to feed them.

Zetas:  Certain physical needs must be met. This, too, creates a burden. Many entities can live on energy or forms of resources that are very efficient. Hybrids live as if being connected to species on Earth. They also adopt the inefficiencies of beings of this whole planet. They require certain things. They are not fully capable for living independently here, yet.

Therapist:  Has what we would call a ‘grey,’ ever been autopsied on this planet?

Zetas:  Yes. Early on, in the events in New Mexico, an opportunity existed for that, but other human hoaxes have clouded a clear picture of the situation.

Therapist:  Is there something that you would simply like to share with us without my asking the questions?

Zetas:  This is an ongoing communication. We welcome this. In time, a larger picture will form about the purposes of all entities involved on all sides. Much hysteria in your culture is prevalent, surrounding our contacts with you. Some of it is fabricated and some of it is real. Some is done for their purposes, sometimes for selfish purposes. There is short-term use without understanding long-term consequences. Such is the state at this time. It will take further steps to clarify the true purpose.  Part of this is the human limitation of communication with and between individuals of your species. They are vulnerable to deception and views that create strain and strife in human cultures.

Therapist:  Thank you for that. I think it is time to bring Steve back to this level of consciousness. We look forward to talking to you again. Thank you. Maybe I will eventually understand why mankind is so terrified of facing something new.

Zetas:  We wish, with compassion, to express that many entities do not follow ethical precepts that have created this situation for your clients. (This is a reference to the traumatized experiencers whom I regress and assist.)  We regret that, and, in our own way, we are interceding to prevent such trauma to 26 people.

Session ended.

Mary Barr, B.A., CCHT, CBT, CLC
Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist

Your questions are welcome.