
Sunday, May 28, 2017


Meet the beings from Zeta Reticuli I in the Constellation Reticulum. Contact has been made. Many interviews have been held with themTHESE EXCHANGES ARE NON-FICTION. Exchanges occur between Hypnotherapist Mary Barr and Zetas (Han, Zestra, and Gen) by using a deeply-induced client, Steve Reichmuth, as the telepathic conduit. Full transcripts of these many sessions are recorded verbatim in two books: Aliens Answer  and Aliens Answer II.

As the therapist and co-author, I offer weekly excerpts from these science-oriented chronicles for public education. Visit our webpage at Some aliens are willing to communicate telepathically, and the human mind can be more receptive under hypnosis. Deep meditative states are also conducive to this kind of communication.  

Today's blog brings new information about Stonehenge as a beacon for off-world beings, Earth field energies, Easter Island and radioactive statues, and the natural climate cycle of the Earth.

Therapist:  Can you tell us something about the origin and purpose of the place we call Stonehenge?

Zetas:  Stonehenge is well known to us. Many crop circles are created near this situation. It is a source of energy and  magnetic fields based on the mineral content in the soil. It acts as a kind of lighthouse or navigation beacon for us in navigating to this planet or navigating within this planet. When you mention Stonehenge, a smile comes to me because of my familiar acquaintance with it. It is an ancient calendar sitting on top of an energy engine that comes from within the Earth itself that is a source of such magnetic fields. It is interesting that humans had been fortuitous enough to place Stonehenge in that location underneath such a beacon that we use.

Therapist:  Some humans are sensitive to the Earth field energies.

Zetas:  That is correct, the Earth field energies.

Therapist:  Have you ever heard of a place called Hyperborea, a land with 24 hour-a-day sunshine?

Zetas:  No.

Therapist:  Are you familiar with a being known as Enoch? He was apparently contacted by some higher order being who took him on a tour of the heavens and other realities. The book concerning his travels was written by an order called The White Brotherhood.

Zetas:  No.

Therapist:  Do you know of the statues on a place called Easter Island?

Zetas:  Yes.

Therapist:  Can you tell us anything about those statues?

Zetas:  They are one more of a kind of homage by man to the sky and those who came from the sky. Many of the edifices on Easter Island are radioactive. Others are not. They come from a place on the island where, surprisingly, certain areas have many uranium deposits. All building materials came from a small proximity to the original basin. This is the area of the ground where the  stones  were originally  extracted  and  transported.
They have been radioactive for many years. These are from the natural deposits. Some form invisible markers for us as natural wave points. They emanate energies that are not well known to humans, but they help us to navigate.

At an earlier time to the monument building, other cultures migrated to this place you call Easter Island. Like the Atlantis that we discussed earlier, so there was another advanced culture on that island, too, independent of the earlier discussion about Atlantis. In several places around the Earth, in Europe, the Mediterranean and South America, there were many advanced cultures that independently developed on islands apart from the main continents. These cultures, when the right conditions existed for life and intellectual development, were able to create a great abundance of knowledge, information, and abilities to accomplish certain astonishing tasks by human standards.

Therapist:  Thank you. The radioactivity was a surprise. Is the Earth in a state of global warming, or is it simply getting ready to move into a small ice age?

Zetas:  The Earth moves through climate cycles. We have noticed this on other planets as well. Part of this is due to the star and part is due to the local climatic conditions on any planet. Earth is at a warming and then cooling cycle. It is anticipated that the Earth will go through a warming cycle. This in turn will reduce the polar caps and create more water surface area. This in turn will cool the planet, resulting in the initiation and acceleration of a not-too-extensive minor ice age.

Therapist:  Are we talking hundreds of years here or thousands of years?

Zetas:  In thousands of years. It is the normal cycle. The cycle, however, has been accelerated by man’s influence on the planet. Man's technology accelerates the heating and cooling process, making this warming period more acute  than  others  and creating more rapid change. This is due to the technology developed by man in the last 150 years.

Mary Barr, B.A., CCHT, CBT, CLC

Your questions are invited.

Sunday, May 21, 2017


Meet the beings from Zeta Reticuli I in the Constellation Reticulum. Contact has been made. Many interviews have been held with themTHESE EXCHANGES ARE NON-FICTION. Exchanges occur between Hypnotherapist Mary Barr and Zetas (Han, Zestra, and Gen) by using a deeply-induced client, Steve Reichmuth, as the telepathic conduit. Full transcripts of these many sessions are recorded verbatim in two books: Aliens Answer  and Aliens Answer II.

As the therapist and co-author, I offer weekly excerpts from these science-oriented chronicles for public education. Visit our webpage at Some aliens are willing to communicate telepathically, and the human mind can be more receptive under hypnosis. Deep meditative states are also conducive to this kind of communication.  

Today's blog shares some of the experiences that Steve (the channel) experiences as he is placed in a deep hypnotic trance and he slowly experiences a setting that is co-created by this therapist and Han, the Zeta. After many sessions, Steve, Han, and I have developed a warm friendship that Steve describes below. Other curious Zetas also attend this session.  The Gods of Mt. Olympus,  how non-Earth species aided in the creation of large structures on Earth, and the possible use of levitation to create the Coral Castle in Florida are detailed in this session.

Steve was inducted. He begins describing what he sees during the initial induction. For this induction, it was suggested to him that he is lying in a hammock in Tahiti. The therapist requested that Han step forward when he is ready to communicate.

Steve: I see him (Han). I’m lying on my hammock in Tahiti. I am now on my side reclining on the hammock. Han is to my right, and he is sitting on the sand next to me, next to the hammock. He sits on a mound of black sand. His legs are kind of semi-folded, Indian style. He sits facing me, and we are looking at each other. I reach out and we clasp hands, greeting as friends. He takes the other hand, and he starts rocking the hammock.

(Therapist laughs.)

Steve: He is like an old pal. He brings his arm back to his lap, and he is sort of waiting for the three of us, when it is the appropriate time. It is strange seeing him in this tropical setting, and yet it is also not strange. Actually, it is very beautiful.

Therapist:  Is he alone this time?

Steve: No. There is another who is sitting Indian style, too. Actually, there are two more. They are sitting Indian style and they are behind him sitting on the sand in the shade among the palm trees. They form a kind of long triangle with two close together, sitting side-by-side in the background. Han is in the front, near me in the hammock. They are rather distant, but they are attentive, should Han call them. That is what is happening.

Therapist:  Well, we welcome them all. Han, are you ready to begin?

Han, the Zeta:  Yes.

Therapist:  Are you familiar with the term ‘Mt. Olympus?’

Han:  Yes. It is an old mythology, not by our standards, but old by Earth standards, based in an area of the planet known by you as the Mediterranean.

Therapist:  Did it actually exist, or was it just a good story?

Han:  There were contacts with entities and humans. The mythology grew out of that contact. The entities did not intend to become or assume an image of the mythological characters with great powers. It was a good story that grew out of contact with humans and visitors, and then, in passing on the stories over time, with their advanced abilities, they assumed the part of gods.

Therapist:  Hence the name Zeus?

Han:  One of many, Zeus, Athena, and others, in various human stories. They are much like the modern superheroes of your present time, with different roles and abilities working together. A class unto themselves, they fired human imagination and gave them a sense that there was something greater than they were that looks over them. There seems to be a human need for this. In many cultures, humans feel that there is something greater than themselves who must control the weather and the stars to give them good crops and abundance of life. The human, who is still culturally growing, looks with the eyes of a child to a mother and father in the sky. It gives them comfort and solace and peace in their own well-being. Often, entities from other worlds inadvertently fulfill this role. Sometimes they do so indirectly. It is part of the human gift for imagination. Imagination is as important as knowledge.

Therapist:  Is imagination not the precursor to creation?

Han:  Yes. Without the ability to imagine, one cannot create.

Therapist:  One mystery for mankind has been the following: There have been a number of walls, pyramids, even a castle built with extremely large, heavy stones. Can you tell us what mechanism was used to enable the lifting and placing of these stones? Let’s say the pyramids, for instance.

Han:  Modern man, in interpreting these structures, often does not comprehend the extent of time spent - the abilities of early man, perhaps assisted by advanced out-world cultures, to create these structures for their own purposes. Many times in history, human knowledge has ebbed and flowed. Many abilities and knowledge are lost, only to be regained later. Often, human pride will mark itself by thinking man has innovated new concepts when actually the concepts may have been used in earlier times just as well. Current humanity is often surprised by the abilities of ancient man that even exceeded what is possible today. The sense of speed in which new modern structures can be built creates a false expectation and belief that earlier structures could not be built just as rapidly. It seems impossible. In fact, many of these structures were very noble designs. Through innovations, both human and non-human assistance was able to help create lasting structures that have withstood the ebb and flow of knowledge of how they were created. They withstand the test of time and entropy, even when the tides of knowledge are lost and then regained. Many physical techniques of advanced tooling, levers, and gravity used in an elaborate fashion made these ancient structures a reality. There was alien assistance in supplying tools that were harder than the substances being fashioned. We have been able to provide, without humans knowing, certain assistance in their construction. We enjoy watching humans create their structures. It was an expression and a test of their knowledge. This partial assistance gives us a gauge in understanding the limits of their development over time.

Therapist:  Using alien technology, does that include using specific materials to enable easier lifting, for example, Coral Castle in Homestead, Florida? It was noted that a certain coral was used for building blocks. The Latvian-American Edward Leedskalnin managed to lift these blocks and built the castle by himself. If he had used different materials, would it have presented different problems in lifting them?

Han:  If I understand, coral was used as part of a mixture, like concrete, to help develop a rigid, strong structure. Coral could have been used in this.

Therapist:  Yes. It could have been added, but I think the castle I am referring to in Florida had huge blocks of coral, placed one on top of another without anything in between the stones. Would coral have been easier to lift because of its properties than perhaps some other kind of stone?

Han: Our understanding of coral is that it is very strong with sometimes brittle characteristics. One of its features is that it is not as dense and maybe, with proper care, would have been easier to transport in order to position it where it could best benefit the structure. It has many open pores and elements that make it light and strong, like a sponge, but like a hard sponge, rigid. This is well known already. It would be easier to move in certain construction settings.

Therapist:  Perhaps the individual who moved these stones used something akin to humans sitting around a table, placing their hands on a table, creating a vibration in the table and the table sometimes lifting of its own accord. Could that be a type of system that might be used for lifting?

Han:  We use certain telepathic energies to levitate. This is possible. It may have been used in this situation.

Mary Barr, B.A., CCHT, CBT, CLC

Your questions are invited.

Sunday, May 14, 2017


Meet the beings from Zeta Reticuli I in the Constellation Reticulum. Contact has been made. Many interviews have been held with themTHESE EXCHANGES ARE NON-FICTION. Exchanges occur between Hypnotherapist Mary Barr and Zetas (Han, Zestra, and Gen) by using a deeply-induced client, Steve Reichmuth, as the telepathic conduit. Full transcripts of these many sessions are recorded verbatim in two books: Aliens Answer  and Aliens Answer II.

This blog is for people who are already well-versed in the alien contact genre. The books, Aliens Answer and Aliens Answer II, are non-fiction chronicles of telepathic contact between my client and co-author Steve Reichmuth and sentient beings from Zeta Reticuli. These are very serious and educating communications that present many questions and answers beyond current human knowledge. As the therapist and co-author, I offer weekly excerpts from these science-oriented chronicles for public education. Visit our webpage at Some aliens are willing to communicate telepathically, and the human mind can be enhanced under hypnosis. Deep meditative states are also conducive to this kind of communication.  

Today's blog answers a few questions about the beings who openly showed their large craft over Phoenix (known as the Phoenix Lights).  Using frequency shifts, ETs enable humans to pass through glass and other media when they are being abducted. The Zetas note that not all materials are conducive to this process. Like humans, off-planet beings like to travel and Earth is sometimes one of those travel/vacation destinations. 

Steve’s question: There are stories of human beings being abducted and taken through walls and windows. What mechanism is in place when that occurs?

Zetas:  Many species use a fundamental mechanism for this process, including us. This is a basic mechanism advanced for some species, yet not advanced for us. It is an old way of manipulating matter for covertly abducting humans. There are very few particles in matter that constitutes a solid object. The space between particles of matter can be temporarily shifted in frequency to allow solid masses to pass through other masses that would be interpreted by humans as 'solid' objects.

Therapist:  Is the shift happening with the wall or is it happening with the body?

Zetas:  There is a beam of energy which envelopes the body and the object that the body is to be passed through. Both need to be altered to provide a safe passage through the solid object. Once the body is through the object, the energy that manipulates the matter can be switched off. This is a powerful tool that emanates from the craft. This tool is usually involved in the contact that affords entities and humans unusual abilities to move either into or out of the situations where they are making contact. It provides a level of safety for escape or for  entrance  into  a  situation  where  a  human  being  can be taken. It gives entities with this technology the ability to enter a dwelling and leave safely.

Therapist:  There was a curious incident where an alien being, who would often take this person through a window, took them instead through the front door. There was an indication that there was some problem with taking them through the glass. Perhaps that might be due to some toxic or some other element in the glass. What do you think?

Zetas:  There are certain materials and certain configurations of materials that are less conducive to safe transport than other materials. The large window in this case had a certain elasticity that made exact shifting of frequencies less precise. Much like a finger pressing against a bubble, it was displaced not only in its current difficult configuration, but also in the adjusted new configuration, which made too many unpredictable qualities in the material to afford safe passage. A solid door, though thicker, was a more stable material in which to manipulate frequencies. This is often the case. The grey species use this technology. They often use windows to pass through as a most common entrance and exit. However, the size of the window in that particular case made it safer to pass through the front door.

Therapist:  In Phoenix, Arizona, and a few other places, people have been observing extremely large triangular shapes with lights in the sky. They are so large that I don’t think that human beings have manufactured them. Are they perhaps holograms or can you tell us to whom they might belong?

Zetas:  The Phoenix lights and other objects are from an advanced species that wishes to demonstrate its presence. They do not necessarily follow a policy of covert interaction with humans. They sometimes wish to demonstrate their technology and great power. These are not our species, but other ones, which also take an interest in Earth. There are a number of species that interact with Earth and with humans. They seem similar in appearance, but a number of their craft are different from ours, and they  often  have their own agendas when they show off their presence. They seem to be less concerned with non-interference.

Therapist:  I get the sense that they come here on a kind observation tour, almost a holiday-like excursion of Earth, but it might just be my own reaction to it.

Zetas:  We do have times of work and times of rest that often entail traveling for the pleasure of traveling. Work and pleasure are often not as contrasting for us as in your species.  Rest is merely a refocusing of the mind to something less demanding, but the mind is still active. Often, there are excursions to far off places to explore and enjoy the other forms of life and the variety of exploring the universe. Vacation is what you are saying. We understand the concept. It is less clearly defined with us, but we understand the concept, particular in humans and in their need to rest and enjoy a sense of play. It is important in the human species to have a balance between rest and work. It is part of human evolution.

Mary Barr, B.A., CCHT, CBT, CLC

Your questions are invited.

Sunday, May 7, 2017


Meet the beings from Zeta Reticuli I in the Constellation Reticulum. Contact has been made. Many interviews have been held with themTHESE EXCHANGES ARE NON-FICTION. Exchanges occur between Hypnotherapist Mary Barr and Zetas (Han, Zestra, and Gen) by using a deeply-induced client, Steve Reichmuth, as the telepathic conduit. Full transcripts of these many sessions are recorded verbatim in two books: Aliens Answer  and Aliens Answer II.

This blog is for people who are already well-versed in the alien contact genre. The books, Aliens Answer and Aliens Answer II, are non-fiction chronicles of telepathic contact between my client and co-author Steve Reichmuth and sentient beings from Zeta Reticuli. These are very serious and educating communications that present many questions and answers beyond current human knowledge. As the therapist and co-author, I offer weekly excerpts from these science-oriented chronicles for public education. Visit our webpage at Some aliens are willing to communicate telepathically, and the human mind can be enhanced under hypnosis. Deep meditative states are also conducive to this kind of communication.  

Today's blog covers some critical comparisons in religion, spirituality, communication with ancestors, reincarnation, the Christ/Buddha energies, the Arc of the Covenant, the Nehalem, Genesis,  spirits going to the light vs. the white light emitted from a extraterrestrial craft. The Zetas also comment on their mode of sleep vs. human sleep patterns. 

Therapist:  Does your species require sleep?

Zetas:  Yes. We require sleep. It is often not a physical sleep, but a mind sleep, much the way the whale might sleep. We are partially functioning, yet still conscious. Part of our minds will be resting and a portion of our minds will always be active. The human mind often has a similar division of work and rest, voluntary and involuntary activity in the human mind. We can work and rest at the same time to a degree.

Therapist:  When you are in this state, do you dream?

Zetas:  We understand the subconscious mind in humans. We often use the subconscious mind of humans when we interact with them. The subconscious mind dreams when we rest. We understand dreams, too. We have dreams that are quite clear and profound. Our type of sleep is different from human sleep, as are our dreams. Sometimes our dreams can become another form of reality. Our minds can float between two places at once.

Therapist:  Do you or are you able to communicate with the spirits of your ancestors?

Zetas:  Our minds can make contact on different dimensions, sometimes with the ancestors of our past, as you call it. That energy or the faint imprint of a life form will remain after the physical body is gone. This is a part of our interconnectivity. Not only can we connect with others of our species in the present time, but we can, with special training, develop the ability to go into the past to connect with the energies and life forces of past lives. The energy that life forms have from the past lingers on. What you might call ghosts today are actually just our species' thoughts and energies of past life forms. With special training, we can often touch and connect with these. It is an extension of our telepathic ability to do this.

Therapist:  What do the characteristics of the spirit world mean to your species?

Zetas:  Our species is like an interconnective weave. There are places where life forms have expired, but the imprint on the fabric of space  and  time  exists  and  continues. These  form  a  kind of spiritual heritage from our past lives, connecting with our current lives. These abilities exist in humans, too, but they are not as accessible at the current level of human evolution. They do not fully appreciate this ability, yet. In time they will. Our species seems to have more connection with its spiritual past lives.  The wisdom of the past can be passed on to the current generation, on many different wavelengths. Wherein, with human abilities, they require history to be recorded for it to be passed on. In our species, history is passed on through thoughts, energies, motivations, and intentions. Our past has a much clearer understanding and interpretation in applying its history to the present time. Spiritual connections are part of a larger picture related to past lives with present lives.

Therapist:  There is a belief system that people are reincarnated and sometimes they remember their past lives. Does that seem like a valid explanation to you?

Zetas:  In our spiritual beliefs, we feel that what you and we call a soul can move on beyond its physical form to inhabit another physical form in the future. Our ability to connect with past souls to know and understand the past is part of this process. From the viewpoint of the soul, it passes on to a future life that is created in time.

Therapist:  So the recollection, then would simply be a recollection of a life lived in another body?

Zetas:  Sometimes there is lingering energy that leaves an imprint that lasts beyond and transcends the travel between the ending of an old life and the beginning of a new one. These imprints can be strong, based on the personality of the life form. Certain dynamic personalities will transcend, allowing a life form to remember faint impressions of the past.

Therapist:  Thank you. Are you familiar with the book we call the Bible and the Book of Genesis?

Zetas:  Yes. It is, in many cultures, an important myth that gives well-being to the cultures that embrace it.

Therapist:  Yes. Many philosophical teachings do provide solace and direction. There is a statement made in Genesis that says 'The Nehalem (sons of God, AKA angels) mated with the daughters of man.' I don’t know if the Nehalem are beings from another planet or some other form of being, but you might have some comment on that.

Zetas:  The Nehalem is one form that humans regard as angelic. They are, in fact, early visitors of other beings that came and interacted with humans. What humans interpreted as a form of angel was, in fact, a form of visitor from another planet, long ago.

Therapist:  I would to like ask about what we call the ‘white light.’ When we human beings get ready to pass over (out of our bodies) we may see a column of white light that we are drawn to and are then lifted up. Of course, there are many stories of human beings being taken up into a beam of light into space ships. Is this simply a coincidence or is there some correlation?

Zetas:  It is a coincidence. The white beam is often used as a transport mechanism to lift beings and humans into a craft. At the end of life, there is another form of light, different, which transports to another dimension, what you call the afterlife. These appear similar, but they are actually two different things. One is the passing of a soul to another life form in another dimension. The other is a technological device, which can seem to mimic that, but it is merely a transport device, remaining in the same dimension. It is used to return the same way. In the afterlife, the movement of the soul is in one direction only.

Therapist:  The Christ energy or the Buddha energy, I assume that they were sent here to help us live more reasonable, loving lives. Did they come only from the human species or were they an intervention from some other kind of life form?

Zetas:  Like the Arc of the Covenant question, the Arc was a portal to another dimension. Religious beliefs are a portal to another dimension also. It would be an interaction between humans and other life forms with an energy that encompasses the Universe.  These interactions are interpreted in their own way, each to their own interpretation. It is a larger context of a spiritual concept of a creator. The connection between the two would be both human in origin and nonhuman in origin. It is the energy between each that is the relationship between more 'physical' life forms and higher spiritual forms of energy. It is a difficult concept to define.

Mary Barr, B.A., CCHT, CBT, CLC

Your questions are invited.