
Sunday, June 28, 2015


Type in Aliens Answer or Aliens Answer II.  

Webpage link: to meet the beings from Zeta Reticuli and to explore the many questions and answers exchanged. THESE EXCHANGES ARE NON-FICTION. Exchanges occur between therapist and Zetans by using a deeply induced client, Steve Reichmuth, as the telepathic conduit.

The session for today covers the subject of Bob Lazar and his claims about Area 51.

Therapist: Do you know the name Bob Lazar?

Zetans: Yes.

Therapist: In what context?

Zetans: He was connected to S-4, a place with a doorway at a facility that contained a workshop for interaction between your species and others, including ours. We are aware of this.

Therapist: In that space, we understand that there is equipment. One piece of equipment is called a ‘quantum viewing device cube’ that is used to look into probable futures. Is that a true?

Zetans:  Say again.

Therapist:  Quantum viewing cube, to look into probable futures.

Zetans:  Yes. We are aware of this. This is a subject that makes us very concerned. If controlled by the species that placed it there to share  with  humans,  we  are   not  concerned.   It  can  foretell certain possible parallel futures. It is a doorway to an infinite variety of dimensions. In time, in creating alternate paths of beginnings and outcomes, it can create certain paradoxes, if not handled responsibility.

Therapist:  Well, that concerns me right away.

Zetans:  Its appearance to humans is one of a small and innocuous device. However, it has great power. It should be regarded with great care. It should not be one to be feared, but it is one that needs to be much more understood so that its use does not permanently alter what humans regard as their reality.

Therapist:  My concern is not for the device, but for human beings who use it.

Zetans:  That is our concern, too. I feel that this is an artifact, a legacy of an alien culture that may have acted inappropriately by sharing too much too soon.

Therapist:  Are they still interacting with us?

Zetans: Yes. This species is the same species that is irresponsibly abducting humans. This species acts recklessly, but in human terms, their gifts, in exchange for human abductions, may be perceived as positive. This cube is to be respected. You have a term, ‘playing with fire.’ However, it could also be a device of great promise. My comments are to inform, not place a value.

Therapist:  Is there also a device there called a Gimbal device, a kind of looking glass, as we call it? It might also be used as a star gate.

Zetans:  Yes. This is often regarded as a simulator for our craft. Our craft are not just objects that fly through your atmosphere or in space. They can fly through dimensions. It is part of what we use to fold gravity and other forces. It is like a ground test vehicle for simulating how our craft operate. It works not just in this physical dimension, but it is also a doorway through other dimensions. This is how our craft move from one place to  another, across great distances.  This device, when oriented at an attitude, will also facilitate a doorway for transport of certain beings. We have different species, including our own, transporting to S-4, and departing from S-4. It is my earlier reference to S-4 also being a doorway. It is through these devices that this is facilitated.

Mary Barr, B.A., CCHT, CLC, CBT
Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist

Sunday, June 21, 2015


This nonfiction book is available at  Aliens Answer

Book link:   Type in Aliens Answer.  Webpage link: to meet the beings from Zeta Reticuli and to explore the many questions and answers exchanged.  THESE EXCHANGES ARE NON-FICTION. Exchanges occur between therapist and Zetans by using a deeply induced client, Steve Reichmuth, as the telepathic conduit.

Therapist: Yesterday, I watched a video. This video was about an individual named J-Rod who came from our future. Apparently, he was kept in one of our facilities and was ultimately taken to Los Alamos. Is any of this true?

Zetans: Yes. This is true. He is a personality that has been selected, tailored for his assignment to be with humans. He is a gateway. He often represents some aspects of this reckless species about which I have warned you. J-Rod is a benevolent being. Do not misunderstand. He has his own agendas and purposes here. Most are not of concern to humans, but can be of concern to our species.

He can move freely through the doorway I mentioned earlier. When in this dimension, he is confined in a biologically-controlled atmosphere and environment. When he leaves and he is on his own planet, it is like stepping from one room in your dwellings on Earth to another room. It is just this easy for him.

Therapist: Is J-Rod an extraterrestrial or a future human?

Zetans: J-Rod is, in a sense, an ambassador, and a guide. Also, he is an explorer, exploring your species, as we are. He is not a competitor, but he often has different motives.

Therapist: Is he also a future human?

Zetans: J-Rod is both. He is an alien and an extraterrestrial. J-Rod is from another place, but he is also from another time. Part of this is due to the methods of transport and time dilation so, by definition, it does make him from the future. He can see beyond what humans can. He has a relationship with several human scientists, which we feel is positive, and often many of these scientists have grown a sense of affection and affinity for him, too. Humans are beginning to learn certain telepathic abilities   through  J-Rod,  just  from  their  normal   interaction. Frequently, they find themselves surprised that it is really easier than they had foreseen to have these telepathic abilities.

Therapist: In some crop circles, ferrous materials have appeared inside, but not outside the circles. Can you comment on that?

Zetans: There is a magnetic residue in the characteristics of authentic crop circles, not the human made ones. This is one feature that some astute humans have discovered in discerning between the human mimics and the authentic crop circles created by off-world species. There is often, in the center of these circles, a focal point where this field is most noticeable. Some humans have even stood in the center of these and interpreted them in either a physical or a spiritual way. They have noticed these energy fields and have tried to be one with them.  This is a natural process in knowing that there are means of touching our species beyond the normal physical sense, in a physical way that is not obvious. It is often interpreted as a spiritual experience. It is like, in your physical sense, when one of your aircraft leaves behind a whirlwind that you cannot see, but you can feel and experience it in a very gentle way. I use that analogy to explain what these people often experience in crop circles, a lingering whirlwind or wake. This is like a magnetic wind. These are wakes from these objects, which pass through other dimensions and exist temporarily in these spaces to form these circles on the ground.

Mary Barr, B.A., CCHT, CBT, CLC
Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist

Questions are welcome. 

Sunday, June 14, 2015


This nonfiction book is available at  Aliens Answer

Book link:   Type in Aliens Answer.  Webpage link: to meet the beings from Zeta Reticuli and to explore the many questions and answers exchanged.  THESE EXCHANGES ARE NON-FICTION. Exchanges occur between therapist and Zetans by using a deeply induced client, Steve Reichmuth, as the telepathic conduit.

Therapist:  I have a question about your home planet. I assume that you live on some other planet, other than your originating planet. I do not know what you consider to be your home. Is it your originating planet or the last planet where you dwelled?

Zetans: It has a double meaning. Home is where we make it. Yet, at the same time, I understand its other meaning, that it is the point of origin. We all have a point of origin and our home is both. In our minds, it is something we keep and hold dear, wherever we travel. Also, there is a meaning, affection for our point of origin.

Therapist: Not quite at the beginning of your species, but maybe 20,000 years into your species, in the beginning, what was your society like? This is, of course, before you learned space flight.

Zetans: These are the humbling thoughts that give our moral framework, balanced against  having  too  much  pride, feeling superior over other species, because we know that our humble beginnings are no different from yours. With that in mind, it is how we respectfully interact with other species, knowing that we have had similar childhoods. During our immature period, we behaved similarly as humans do.  This was before our telepathic abilities evolved. We can empathize with the human situation for miscommunication and misunderstanding. Our early past was primitive and struggles existed which we eventually overcame.  It is an embarrassing part of our life that we thank you for reminding us about. As far as we may seem to have progressed, we still remember our origins.

Therapist: Was it hunter/gatherer and tribal like?

Zetans: Yes. This was due, in part, because of our bird-like nature. We congregated in flocks. This was due to competition to survive. We formed into groups of hunter-gatherers and then developed societies and then technology. We eventually formed sophisticated cultural and social behaviors, though they were primitive by current standards.

Therapist: At what point did your species start building structures? I am talking in terms of years from the beginning of our species.

Zetans: A million or more. in your years.

Mary Barr, B.A., CCHT, CBT, CLC
Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist

Please feel free to submit questions.

Sunday, June 7, 2015


This nonfiction book is available at  Aliens Answer

Book link:   Type in Aliens Answer.  Webpage link: to meet the beings from Zeta Reticuli and to explore the many questions and answers exchanged.  THESE EXCHANGES ARE NON-FICTION. Exchanges occur between therapist and Zetans by using a deeply induced client, Steve Reichmuth, as the telepathic conduit.

Therapist: Don’t we already possess the ability of telepathy, but few people use it?

Zetans: It would be like an organic version of your Internet. On the Internet, there is a trick that humans play on themselves. They think that their thoughts and words are private when they are actually exposed for their whole planet to see. This illusion can sometimes surprise and confound.

Therapist: It certainly has surprised a few people.

Zetans: Imagine a telepathic equivalent. Many thoughts, appropriate and inappropriate, would be expressed, to a pervasive degree, among the population. When this happens, a new form of thought discipline would need to be instilled. Humans would take much time to learn this. I feel they would initially have difficulty interacting with each other.

Therapist: I am sure they would. I remember reading a statement that said, ‘Think as though your thoughts are being written across the skies.’ That sounded like a good suggestion to me.

Zetans: Those are wise thoughts. In our society, our social mores and structure are predicated upon that very notion. It is a very wise attitude. If it were possible for telepathy to be available for everyone on your planet, this would need to be understood and embraced. This would be a new way of communicating, but also a new way of interacting with each other that, ultimately, would be very positive in eliminating many of this planet’s problems, war, hunger, and politics. Politics would suffer, fortunately. We feel that certain old forms of communication would no longer be necessary. In the short term, it would be very awkward until humans learn new mental disciplines. Ultimately, there would be a higher level of thought and consideration, which would benefit the entire species.

This is an example of how telepathy has made our society as we are. This is also true for many other species on other planets. There is, at present, mostly a lack of telepathy on Earth. Someday, more humans will develop this ability through evolution. Telepathy is very common in the Universe. In this respect, Earth and humans are an anomaly. It is simply where they are at the present rate of their evolution. Part of our fascination with humans is where they are in evolution. Studying humans enables us to learn about ourselves and what we once were. We learned this by observing humans and noticing many situations on Earth that all go back to that one root cause.

There are a few other organic physical aspects of us, that if they were introduced, would create much change on Earth society, but telepathy would be the primary one. Our means of reproduction would probably not be appealing to humans. We have observed human sexuality and that it means many things to humans. Our means of reproduction is more, by human standards, a form of artificial manufacturing. It would also be strange to human society and culture.

Mary Barr, B.A., CCHT, CBT, CLC
Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist

Your questions are welcome