
Sunday, November 22, 2015


Type in Aliens Answer or Aliens Answer II.  

Webpage link: to meet the beings from Zeta Reticuli and to explore the many questions and answers exchanged. THESE EXCHANGES ARE NON-FICTION. Exchanges occur between therapist and Zetans by using a deeply induced client, Steve Reichmuth, as the telepathic conduit.

Please enjoy advanced astronomical concepts from the perspective of beings from Zeta Reticuli. Did our Universe come into being from a single thought? The Zetans provide intriguing references to the Dyson sphere concept, invisible forces that affect us, and categories of sentient life development in a solar system. 

Therapist: I wanted to talk to you about a concept known as ‘quantum resurrection,’ that is the idea that a particle might spring out of nothing if one has infinite time. Does that create the possibility of the resurrection of the Universe if there were nothing? Could, in fact, a particle spring from nothing?

Zetans: At the most fundamental level, this is how the Universe was partially created. Something was created from nothing. Quantum theory permits the existence of other universes to provide matter, which can issue forth, departing one universe to be transformed to create a second universe through the membranes that exist between universes at certain key intersections. It is immense to think that all matter in the Universe can come from one horizon event, but this is often how many universes are formed. However, the question still exists. Where did the first universe begin, and where did the matter from the first universe come from? That ultimate origin lives and sleeps within the strange mysteries of quantum physics.

Therapist: Could it have come from thought, a thought without any physical form?

Zetans: It is very conceivable. We have often discussed the ability of thought to manipulate matter and move matter. There is a connection between thought and matter in the Universe, in a quantum way, where one can transport oneself to a distant place by merely focusing thought. Such quantum physics toss out all concepts of linear time and space. This matter and form from thought would have to be a consciousness of almost omnipresent wisdom and ability. We can refer to it as many things, a superior being, or God, but maybe it is, as are many things in the Universe, a natural process that is just beyond our ability to conceptualize. In time, more wisdom and knowledge will permit an understanding of these concepts. This is another mystery that you touch on.

Therapist: I had the thought that we human beings give too much validity to the physical aspect of being and keep searching for that invisible-to-visible link. I have to think that the invisible has just as much validity. Perhaps it is not necessary to be searching so hard for the transition point. This is just a thought.

Zetans: When you consider the Universe and all that it encompasses, there is always more to be discovered that is not yet perceived. Your Shakespeare in his story about Hamlet stated it well, that there is more to heaven and Earth than we realize. Hamlet may teach you that science is a tool and not an answer. It evolves and changes as your understanding changes and your knowledge grows. As we attempt understanding of this consciousness, there is much more influencing what we do not see surrounding us. There are invisible forces, energies and resonances that touch us in ways that we do not always comprehend or may even be aware of. It is partly that connection that facilitates our quantum communication we are experiencing here and now. For everything we learn, there are more questions that, if answered, can give a fuller picture of the seemingly incomprehensible. I hope my words do not seem too vague.

Therapist: No. I have no difficulty following you.

Zetans: Good.

Therapist: Are you familiar with the term ‘Dyson sphere?’

Zetans: Yes.

Therapist: The way it was explained to me was it was like placing concentric circles or something like an intermittent sphere, around a star to collect energy. Is that your understanding of it?

Zetans: Yes. It is a space with a structural shell surrounding this space, containing  and  harnessing, in  a  very  efficient  manner,  all energy radiating from a star.  This Dyson sphere can contain much area for  life.  These are very advanced concepts for very advanced civilizations. The Dyson sphere is one method. There are not many Dyson spheres, but they do exist. This is a theory that some Earth theorists have correctly surmised. Some Dyson spheres, as you refer to them, can be difficult to detect in the Universe.

Therapist: Well, it makes sense, on the surface. There are so many stars and tremendous energy available.

Zetans: Your Russian astronomer, Nikolai Kardashev, created different categories or levels of sentient intelligence develop-ment on a scale of a solar system. A Dyson sphere represents a very advanced civilization. We have similar classifications. Earth, at present, does not even register on these scales. It has yet to focus and harness energies efficiently and cooperatively on a planetary scale. The next order of magnitude could encompass such concepts as a Dyson sphere.

Therapist: I am glad to hear about the Russian astronomer’s work and his interesting way of measuring societal advancements. This makes sense to me.

Zetans: Our concepts are not dissimilar. Humans are beginning to conceive of advanced concepts beyond Earth that are happily not totally Earth-centered in concept.

Therapist: Yes. That seems to be one of our weaknesses. We have to learn to think way outside of ourselves.

Zetans: Have patience. You are advancing quickly. Humans need to be less confined in thought, use imagination freely, and give themselves permission to conceive far beyond their present concepts. This is the beauty of knowledge and imagination in harmony to conceive those thoughts. If humans could see for themselves, they would marvel how their concepts, in some places of the Universe, are expressed in various forms of reality. 

Mary Barr,  B.A., CCHT, CBT, CLC

Your questions are invited.

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