
Sunday, November 15, 2015


You are invited to enjoy a shocking case study in which a protective shield failed in an alien encounter causing injury and chaos. Note the use of a sound emitted by the craft to calm everyone on the ground. The second subject matter concerns water and some shared knowledge about it on Earth and other planets.  Han is one of the primary beings from Zeta Reticuli who chose to share this knowledge with us. This session was recorded November 2011.

Therapist:  I regressed a woman named Cindy (pseudonym). It was difficult for her, but she finally managed to complete the process. She seems happier now.

Han:  I can assure you that she is very happy and a great weight was lifted from her.

Therapist:  I am so glad.

Han:  She is relieved about herself and her son. She has a sense of completeness now. She understands more of the situation in which she was involved.

Therapist:  I ask you about the noise that she heard, and also ask about how the entity may have been injured, if you know.

Han:  Cindy discovered the entity. The scene was one of great confusion and fear. Several dogs had injured the entity. The being was holding them at a distance with its mind, trying to pacify the dogs. It was focusing its mind to protect itself, telepathically holding the dogs at bay, while suppressing its own pain and fear. This requires great focus and mental discipline in a chaotic situation.

Therapist:  Were they neighbor dogs or Cindy’s dogs?

Han:  I don’t know this. There were three dogs, a pack. They were being protective and, at the same time, afraid, too, I sense.

Therapist: Had the being been bitten?

Han:  Yes. It was mauled.

Therapist:  Oh. That would have been quite severe.

Han:  Something went wrong. An invisible energy barrier that usually envelopes such entities from human bullets, weapons, or harm had failed, and the dogs noticed the being. The being felt invulnerable, but something went wrong. The dogs attacked. The dog sounds attracted Cindy. The entity suddenly realized the passive field protecting it had become ineffective. The entity was able to save himself from further damage, but was injured and unable to move well enough to escape. He was using his mind to call out for help and to push the dogs back.

Therapist:  Cindy felt compassion and sorrow for his injuries.

Han:  She was horrified, stunned, compassionate, and confused, and she did not know how to help. I think the entity sensed this, too. It was a scene of much energy. Almost a panic situation, but a craft quickly came and enveloped the whole scene to regain control. The rescue required retrieving the being, subduing the dogs, and taking everyone away who was conscious of the situation so there would be no memory trace. The entities did not do an effective job with this.  Sounds were used to accomplish control. The sounds of a craft are mesmerizing. This is often used to pacify and take control of all of the parties being visited. The entities use this as a protection to help control anything they may not anticipate.

Therapist:  There were two sounds. One, I would say, was to create a state of hypnosis. It was kind of a ‘whoooom, whooom, whooom’ sound. The second sound was like an old truck idling, making a fair amount of noise. Was that also part of the operation?

Han:  The ‘thrum’ is a hypnotic effect. It affects the mind and consciousness of all the living forms within a specific area. It acts as a soothing device to pacify or sedate where people are often conscious, but they do not seem to mind what is happening. This makes them pliable, to be controlled telepathically and responsive to instructions. This is often what occurs during ‘abductions.’ They are conscious, but there is a certain level of unconsciousness. This ‘thrum’ has a limited range and within this range it enables those away from the ship to carry out their duties in relative safety. A tragedy was barely prevented.

Therapist: And the second sound?

Han:  The second sound was a secondary effect of the craft. It was a growling, low, soft sound with a rhythmic pattern of higher frequency. Sound cancellation was used. This technology is not that advanced. It is basic technology for us. Even humans are learning the ability to direct sounds at specific targets. We have mastered this and so have the species who were involved with Cindy.

Therapist:  Thank you.  On another subject, where did the water on Earth come from?

Han:  The oceans are composed of the basic elements of oxygen, hydrogen, and compounds known as salts, creating a natural salinity. They originated from the very primitive atmosphere as it slowly evolved and the planet’s development formed these elements and linked up to form compounds. This does not evolve overnight. Water is an abundant and common compound in the Universe, in various gaseous, solid, and liquid states. It is even on nearby planets and moons, such as Europa around Saturn. Mars has such water. There is water on many planets, including oceans. Ours, too, is an ocean planet. In the proportion of land to sea, we have more land than sea, but we do have enough to create a good balance and maintain an atmosphere quite suitable for life. Water came from these basic elements. They combined to form the water that you understand today.

Water on the young Earth came from two sources: out-gassing from within the Earth and bombardment by comets. Out gassing is the process whereby gases are released from molten rock in the mantle of the planet by volcanic activity. This was probably the primary source of gases for your early atmosphere. Comets and meteorites also bring gases with them, which contributed to the Earth's atmosphere. Some of the gases in this new atmosphere were methane, ammonia, water vapor, and carbon dioxide. The water on Earth stayed in gaseous form  until  the planet's surface  cooled.  About  three-
and-a-half-billion years ago, conditions were right for water to condense into rain and poured onto the land. Water collected in low-lying areas, which gradually became the primitive oceans.

Therapist:  Water has many wonderful qualities, but my favorite is that water is clear and leaves no perceptible residue.

Han:  The ocean waters also provide a nursery for early life in its most primitive state. Such a large ocean is necessary. It is hard to imagine an ocean without life in its beginning. It just existed as liquid in a neutral state, but, in time, these oceans created the optimum situation for compounds to form into complex cellular life. The process of life began on this planet, as it has on others. It is a beautiful concept. This did not occur artificially. This occurred naturally and independently on its own. Even we could not create on such an extensive scale. We can terraform and transplant, but there are certain processes that we respectfully leave untouched.

Mary Barr, B.A., CCHT, CBT, CLC
Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist

Your questions are welcome.

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