
Sunday, August 12, 2018



Visit our webpage at Meet the beings from Zeta Reticuli I in the Constellation Reticulum. Contact has been made. Many interviews have been held with them.  THESE EXCHANGES ARE NON-FICTION. Exchanges occur between Hypnotherapist  Mary Barr and Zetas (Han, Zestra, and Gen) by using a deeply-induced client, Steve Reichmuth, as the telepathic conduit. Full transcripts of these many sessions are recorded verbatim in two books:   Aliens Answer  and Aliens Answer II

Steve was inducted and the interview begins: 

Therapist:  I make the assumption that the governments of the world are interested in telepathic communication between human beings and non-Earth beings. I assume that our government makes an effort to listen to interesting cases. Does the experiencer Allen (pseudonym) still have a certain amount of privacy from governmental eavesdropping?

Zetas:  Allen is being watched, but on a level much like walking in front of a dragon. If he tiptoes, the dragon will barely open an eye to notice his presence. He does not awaken the monster that could make his life uncomfortable. It is known, he is also aware, and respects those who watch him. He is careful so that he does not cause too much notice or draw attention to himself. So far, he should have the correct level of caution, balancing awareness and taking precautions for himself and his family. They are aware, and he is aware of them, too. Both balance and there is no need by the opposing force to be more inquisitive. He is dealing with abductions, is in contact and so are his children. This is concern enough. Other governmental agencies have little ability to prevent or take consequential action in this. When entities visit, Allen’s attitude is one of caution and openness, optimism balanced with common sense. He treats entities as one might with any stranger, welcoming, but with caution. His main concern is the protection of his family. To that extent, he can only do so much. He is using a common sense approach, which is very advanced and sophisticated compared to most experiencers. He is also well-connected with other entities that also have an interest in him and are looking out for him, too. While there are some entities that might cause concern, other entities protect. This interaction is part of the greater galactic community with which he is in contact. They invited him in and made the initial contact. Allen responded in kind and has ever since. 

Therapist:  Was he a child when this first happened?

Zetas:  He was visited, but the communication that he now experiences began in earnest later in life in his twenties and he has been a remarkable communicator and doorway between humanity and many off-world intelligences. Each has different intentions, motives, and concerns. Some of these entities are in competition.  Allen has been made aware of the more complex off-world politics. He has been given access. You have been given access, too. Even comparing you with me, and, to a degree, Steve, Allen is on a galactic level of interaction between many species. Allen is at the forefront of this. With this come some consequences and life complications. In his mind, he is transported to a government city, where the main focus of politics is played out.

Therapist:  I am sorry to hear about the competition. I was hoping that evolution had removed that as a factor.

Zetas:  It is not an urgent competition. It is just viewpoints and ambitions, spread across thousands of years, not sharp incidents. They do not cause great conflicts. There is a sense of higher purpose and a quiet understanding that exists. Competition may be a harsh word for it. I am not finding the word I want.

Therapist:  Different levels of self-interest?

Zetas:  Yes. That is a good term.

Therapist:  Thank you. Would you prepare, at your own leisure, two questions for Steve and me, either or both of us, just for the purpose of stimulating our thinking? We don’t particularly want the answers at this time, but we would like to have our thinking stimulated by hearing a couple of questions that would do that.

Zestra, a Zeta: Han is thinking. He has been focusing on answers.  A question is, ‘How will humanity solve its population explosion problem in a manner that is not self-destructive?’

Therapist’s Answer: When humans find that it is more financially beneficial to limit populations, it will occur in some measure, i.e., China.  Humanity is currently more driven by financial considerations than altruistic considerations, or even long-term survival.

Han:  Another question is, 'When will humanity be at a place in its evolution where it will gain a telepathic social order?' It is one that we have achieved. Perhaps it is a rhetorical question that only time will reveal.

Therapist’s Answer: For me, the second question would not necessarily be when this would occur, but rather, what situations need to occur before the genetic code is altered in such a way that telepathy becomes common? I suspect that it will become activated when environmental factors press in that direction. 

Zetas:  A certain turning point in the road will arrive. If humanity survives to that time, it will begin that journey, one that will be transformational beyond humanities’ wildest dreams. It is one that will affect every living sentient being on the planet in a very deep and meaningful way. Our society may give you a glimpse of what lies ahead. Your question is framed in the proper context of what conditions would be needed for this new genesis of thought and formation of a new community of minds.

One of the very first aspects of that would be to place less emphasis on privacy and more emphasis on the greater good. I have already felt a small shift in that direction. We enjoy privacy, but we also can relinquish it for a better purpose. The illusion of privacy may start much like the allegory of your Internet. Your curiosity will lead you to greater knowledge and in turn, that knowledge will realize that it is well aware of you, too, and the privacy you cling to will then be only an illusion. A new security may come from the many. A new connection, beyond oneself, will come that will be quite profound.  Many of your governments, in their present form, hold to a high standard the individuality of the human being and the desire to pursue a life of happiness and fullness. Eventually, that pursuit will link up and merge with others in a telepathic fashion and a new structure for your society will be formed.

Quite unintentionally, a technological evolution will probably become a very organic one, which will become a revolution of everything that you know. The changes that could result will be welcome ones. I can foresee greater understanding and compassion, a potential for unity or disunity on a planetary scale. The responsibility of each will be magnified among the many. A telepathic society brings new mental and telepathic forms of courtesy, ethics, and mental discipline. This occurs when all know that their thoughts are shared. It will depend on your willingness to let go of past patterns of individually. 

Socially responsible thoughts and concepts of politeness will form on a new level. Politeness will extend to the mind, knowing that the mind can now be viewed by many. This will create great fundamental changes in knowing that the very thoughts of a person will be the sum and measure of what makes a sentient being what they are. This is not in a material sense, but in an intellectual, moral, spiritual sense. The strengths and the vulnerabilities of the individuals join into the many and create a sum greater than the parts. When that time of reckoning in your evolution arrives, it will be a challenging time for humanity, but one that will stretch and provide great rewards in the end. You then will be full members of a community that dwells among the stars.

Therapist's Answer: This already exists to a smaller extent with the Aborigines. The criteria for developing the skill would be that no other long-distance communication is available and survival depends upon some kind of long-distance communication. The development of telepathy would be encouraged in any situation where normal communication is not possible for extended periods of time. It could also be developed solely for a need to communicate with loved ones. For example, the Aborigine’s method of ‘singing someone home.’ Technology seems to be interfering with the development of the ability by making communication easily available. In this sense, technology is delaying the development of a telepathic community.

Mary Barr, B.A., CCHT-RT, CBT, CLC
Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist 

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