
Sunday, February 14, 2016


Webpage link: to meet the beings from Zeta Reticuli and to explore the many questions and answers exchanged. THESE EXCHANGES ARE NON-FICTION. Exchanges occur between therapist and Zetans by using a deeply induced client, Steve Reichmuth, as the telepathic conduit.

Today's blog explores human-animal communication. Our pets read us telepathically and in great depth, often using visual images.  Included in today's blog is the purpose of dreams in the Zetan society. It discusses what happens during the sleep-dream state. Fascinating material.
Therapist: Sometimes you communicate with species that do not have language facility. For instance, if I were to communicate with my dog, she does not speak in words. However, I understand that dogs use pictures in their minds when communicating. Have you run across that type of communication?

Zetans: Yes. In our telepathic communication, it can be very visual. Often in your communication with your allies, of the four-legged species, they can sense an emotion or form of words that is expressed in a nonverbal way. It is hard to express, perhaps, in an intellectual way. It is more an emotional answer. They can sense the intent and consciousness, and it is understood. It is not often a precise form of communication, but for some species it can be. Your species might communicate with other species, such as horses, which are very intelligent animals. In our visits to earth, we have admired these animals and others, such as your dogs, and other species. You can look in their eyes and know that, like many of your human relationships with horses, they seem to know more about you than you know about them. This is the best way to describe it. This is true. It is a level that humans need to expand and appreciate more.

Therapist: I could tell it quite easily. When I did not want my ally to get into the garbage, my ally was wise enough to wait for me to leave the house before getting into the garbage, assuming that I could not assign blame, since I couldn’t see him. Yes. Lots of things go on.

Zetans: They are intelligent allies. They obey, respect, and know that those who care for them will usually do what is best for them.

Therapist: Han, what do dreams mean to your species? How do they view the function of dreams?

Zetans: Our minds are very active, as are human minds. Even though we have periods of sleep, like in your minds, we are never completely asleep. Part of our autonomic functions requires this, and we have cerebral activity. We enjoy our dreams. It is a reflection of our conscious times, a mirror back to reflect on the activities of the previous time period. It is a time of rest, where our minds and imagination can wrap themselves up in a warm blanket and contemplate the rational and even the irrational that still can occupy our thoughts, as advanced as we appear to be. We submerge into a simpler brain pattern where we are aware and asleep. The body needs rest and the mind does too. It is a time for restorative modes of sleep. We dream of many things that make up our existence, as we understand it. It is that happy time when we ponder the Universe and our fantasies of what is not reality, versus what we perceive to be reality. It is probably not dissimilar from human dreams. I do not think our dreams are any bigger or smaller. It is just that our minds may have more comprehensive abilities to absorb the reality around us. Our dreams may reflect that. Our dreams are probably more vivid and almost seem real. 

Check back next Sunday for a deeper analysis of the dream state in the Zetan society. 

Mary Barr, B.A., CCHT, CBT, CLC

Your questions are invited.

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