
Wednesday, November 5, 2014


Nonfictional exchanges between Therapist and beings from Zeta Reticuli through client Steve Reichmuth.

Therapist:  Please understand the nature of craft.  They have their own and intelligence and can make decisions about responding or not.  They can even be playful, imitating the attempted contact by humans. The following excerpt describes the nature of alien craft that come from Zeta Reticuli.  It talks about the use of energy when the craft assists in abducting humans:

Han (Being from Zeta Reticuli):  There is a beam of energy which envelopes the body and the object that the body is to be passed through.Both need to be altered to provide a safe passage through the solid object.
Once the body is through the object, the energy that manipulates the matter can be switched off. This is a powerful tool that emanates from the craft. This tool is usually involved in the contact that affords entities and humans unusual abilities to move either into or out of the situations where they are making contact. It provides a level of safety for escape or for  entrance  into  a situation  where  a  human  being  can be taken. It gives entities with this technology the ability to enter a dwelling and leave safely.

For more information on the beings from Zeta Reticuli see: The book, Aliens Answer, is available at

It is my pleasure to share this knowledge with you.

Mary Barr
Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist

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